I hope that you find the training programmes, inspiration corner, resources and shop helpful in living…
moment to moment, nourishing your body and yourself with what you need to live vibrant and healthy lives.
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Founder and Director: Julie Deane-Williams

I am a registered dietitian who has treated people with eating disorders and disordered eating since 1991, individually in my private practice and in specialised Eating Disorder Units.
I encountered mindfulness for the first time in 2004, when I signed up for a Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction programme in Cape Town. Mindfulness practice has helped me profoundly, both in navigating the internal terrain of psychological trauma as well as physical illness. This journey has informed my meditation recordings.
I am a certified mindfulness facilitator, (University of Stellenbosch); a supervisor on this same programme; was a Director of the Institute for Mindfulness in South Africa (IMISA) for 10 years and creator of the adapted Mindfulness-based programme for emotional eaters “What am I truly hungering for?” which I have facilitated since 2007.